Intensive Moringa Cultivation - 8.5 Month Update

Moringa Trees Over 13 Feet Tall In First Year: Intensive Cultivation 8.5 Month Update

Bed for Intensive Moringa Planting
Bed for Intensive Moringa Planting
Intensive Moringa Cultivation - 8.5 Month Update
Intensive Moringa Cultivation – 8.5 Month Update

Moringa Trees Over 13 Feet Tall In First Year!

As you can see, from the comparison above, there has been tremendous growth in this bed over the last 8.5 months. The Moringa trees pictured above where planted from PKM1 Moringa seeds in March of this year. The trees grew very slowly until June, and later in July their growth really took off! Since late October the growth has been really slowing down again and now the season is finally coming to a close.

In this video one of the taller Moringa trees is cut down and measured. The tree turned out to be 13.5 ft tall with more than 60 seed pods on it!

It is also interesting to note that after 3 or 4 recent frosts the tender new growth on the trees seems unaffected! I’ll do the next update video after a freeze and share what happens in a future video.


Well, it’s the second week of December already and I wanted to give you another look at this bed. We’ve experienced a few frosts this year and yet surprisingly, when I look at the new tender growth on these trees, they all look very much alive. Even after 3 or 4 fairly good frosts, we’re not seeing any adverse effects on the trees. Growth has slowed down, the leaves have begun to yellow as you can see, but they are still growing and I don’t see any signs of damage from the frost at this point, so a bit surprised by that.
In a couple of weeks, we are to experience a freeze or two, and so it’ll be interesting to see what kind of effects the freeze has on these trees. It should be damaging to them, but I’ll show you what happens. You can see a number of these trees are leaning over, and this one doesn’t have too many seed pods. You can see those pods begin to weigh the trees down and begin to bend over. We’ve had some trees back here significantly burdened down with pods and leaning right over, and I had to string those up and tie them up because they were falling right out of the bed.
What I’m going to do now, I’m going to cut one of these trees down in the back, one of the bigger ones, and I’ll hold it up for you and we’ll pull a measuring tape and I’ll show you in one growing season just how tall some of these trees have grown. All right, we’re going to cut one of these larger trees that’s in the back. Okay, so we cut this tree down about a foot above the ground. I’m going to hold it up here. You can see this tree had a lot of seed pod growth. First year of planting for this tree, and so we were quite surprised really at the number of seed pods. I’ve already harvested quite a number off this tree and there’s a lot more on here.
This was the first year of growth and let’s see how tall this tree is. We’ll pull a tape measure on this tree and see just how tall it is. We cut it about a foot above the ground and as we measure here, that is about 12 1/2 feet long, and a foot above the ground. This tree was 13 1/2 feet tall from a single season in an intensive cultivation. Really surprised by that. I’m going to pull these seed pods off and I’ll give you a count of the number of seed pods on this tree. Again, this tree was planted with the PKM-1 seeds which do produce seed pods right in the first year of planting.
So there you have it. We’ll give you an update again after a freeze and we’ll show you what that does to the trees, but so far, 3 or 4 frosts this year, we’re not seeing any signs of die-back from the new growth. Again, thanks for watching, and to learn more, check out the website:

Mark Reese
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